Heading back to Tanzania

Heading back to Tanzania

We are so excited to go back to Tanzania for our last missions endeavours in 2023. This time we will be reaching the city of Biharamulo and the whole Kagera region with multiple initiatives from the 14.November - 4. December.

A city-wide Gospel Campaign will take place in Biharamulo city from the 29.November - 3.December. The local churches are already working hard in the pre-planning and the set up for the sole purpose of seeing the multitudes come into the kingdom of God. 

At the same time Youth Campaigns will be held all over the western part of the country in the Kagera region, as we seek to preach the gospel to thousands of youth. We have seen in the past that the harvest is over-ripe among the young people. It is such a joy to see how the youth are embracing the gospel and how they encounter Jesus as their Lord and Savior. 

We believe God for a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit during the time we are there and that great signs, wonders, miracles and healings will take place. We pray that all the blessings that follow the finished work on the cross of Christ will invade their hearts, their families, their villages and cities. Will you pray with us?

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