Ignite - A fresh wind of the Spirit


We just concluded an amazing weekend in Germany, Stade, called Ignite. The sole purpose of the event was to create space and room for people in our region to come and sit at the feet of Jesus to gaze at Him. With our whole heart we know and beieve that this is the place we change, in His presence! It was truly remarkable to see how the Holy Spirit moved among us as we engaged with Jesus in this simple way. Many encountered the Lord in a profound and refreshing way. 

From sittin at the feet of Jesus, we became the feet of Jesus as we went out to the streets of Stade. We shared the gospel with the people there both through proclaiming the gospel loud on the streets and had one-on-one conversations. And in just two hourse we preached to 75 people face to face, 12 made a decision for Jesus and we witnessed 5 instant healings, hallelujah! 
God is on the move in the north of Germany, and we are so excited to contunue these Ignite events quarterly throughout the year. 

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