One of the most effective ways to preach the Gospel is through Citywide Gospel Campaigns were whole cities are shaken by the power of God. Jesus held open air meetings where the multitudes were gathered. He healed the sick, cast out demons and set the camptives free! This is why we aim to reach entire cities with the mathcless Gospel of Jesus Christ. Each year we see thousands of presious souls give their lives to Jesus though these events. The sick are healed, the mute speak and the lame walk just as in Bible times. As always we collaborate with the local churces in order to have lasting impact. Our ministry seek to reach people by working with and through the local churches. The ultimate goal is to see the new believers added to a local church and become followers of Jesus Christ.
Our heart reaches out to the unreached and to the forgotten. That is why we are making a huge effort to hold Village Campaigns in order to preach Christ to those who has not yet heard His name. There are few things as precious as seeing someone hearing about the Savior for the very first time in their entire life. More so it amazes us every time to see the response to the Gospel among the unreached people groups. The harvest is truly ready and we have said "YES" to God´s call to go.
As much as 75% of all people who recieve Christ do so between the age of 9-25 years old. On the continent of Africa 70% of the poplilation is under the age of 25! The youth belong to Jesus. We have set out to reach the youth with the Gospel and we are seeing litterallt hundres of thousands of youth repent and turn to Jesus every year! Through our Youth Campaigns we preach a crystal clear Gospel message, we pray for the sick and for the infilling of the power of the Holy Spirit. Our desire is for the youth to encounter a real Jesus, an authetic and experiencial Gospel, and for them to come into a life with the Lord at a very young age. Each year we have many weeks were we are focusing on reaching these precious people.