This night was a night of breakthroughs on so many levels. We witnessed so many great things tonight! Ev.Daniel Smenes writes:
"Before travelling out from the hotel were we live, I could hear the base and praise music far in the distant coming from the campaign field. Excitement filled my heart as we came closer to the very location thousands of lives has been changed over the past days already. Tonight was not any different. It was a true joy to preach the gospel and to see how engaged the crowd was. Hands went up everywhere when I called them to repentance and faith in Jesus.
Afterwards we took time to pray for the infilling and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. It was so powerful. I myself was so touched and moved to see the Spirit of God being poured out on the beautiful people of Soroti. People encountered God all over the field in a profound way. I could see how so many oppressed and possessed by demons received freedom as the Holy Spirit entered them, hallelujah! What a night of breakthroughs"
Ev. Lukas Abildsten continued in the same flow of the Holy Spirit and prayed for the sick. So many came to testify how Jesus had healed them. Here are some testimonies:

Since the beginning of last year, Jaqueline was suffering from asthma. During chemistry class she was affected by chemicals and she said this was the cause of her asthma. During the prayer for the sick she had a vision of a Man in white washing her with soap. Prior to this evening could not be active for long periods. Now, she feels compelled to dance and has no longer has any of the asthma symptoms. We rejoiced with dancing with her tonight and the people of Soroti was cheering on Jesus for His love!

Musana had a waist problem for more than a month. He couldn't get up or walk and had to be carried around. Slowly, he started to walk again, but he still had pain when he arrived. Now, all the pain is now gone, and he can jump and walk without any pain.

Peter gave his life to Jesus tonight. This is the greatest miracle! He told us that two years ago he got a job but ever since he became addicted to gambling. He wasted all his money on it. Now, he does not want to waste his money anymore. He also had a heart and lung issue for two years, but now he feels completely relieved. During the prayer, he felt someone touch his head and chest. Jesus is so amazing!